
Shipments & Returns

Parcels are delivered on working days with FoxPost courier service or MPL courier service. (no delivery on weekends and public holidays).

If you are not at home during this period, it is advisable to enter your work address as the delivery address (if possible).

If the above options are not flexible enough for you, you can place your order in a FoxPost parcel machine, most of which are available 24 hours a day.

If you fail to take the package - e.g. wrong postal address provided, e.g. even after the second delivery attempt, you do not take the package, e.g. you do not notify us of canceling the parcel (not the order!), still you will be charged for the delivery fee.

If you prefer personal pickup, you can pick up your order at two different locations
1. Vác, Zrínyi Miklós u. 33.
2. Budapest, Fáy u. 15
at a pre-arranged time (arrangements via mobile: +36304250738 for Vác and +36309289765 for Budapest respectively).
We would like to draw your attention to the fact that you cannot pay for your order with cash, card or any other means, you must do payment in advance.

The shipping charge is automatically calculated during the ordering process, depending on the order amount and the selected shipping option.